Is my sexual harassment prevention training for Massachusetts compliant?
Massachusetts employers are encouraged to conduct sexual harassment prevention training. Here's everything you need to know to remain compliant.
Massachusetts law requires employers with six or more employees to adopt a written policy against sexual harassment. The employer's policy must include notice to employees that sexual harassment in the workplace is unlawful and that it is unlawful to retaliate against an employee for filing a complaint of sexual harassment. The policy should also assert the employer's commitment to investigate any complaint of sexual harassment.
What does Massachusetts sexual harassment training need for include?
Massachusetts’ Fair Employment Practices Act states that employers and labor organizations are encouraged to conduct an education and training program for new employees and members, within one year of commencement of employment or membership, which includes at a minimum the information set forth in this section.
Employers are encouraged to conduct additional training for new supervisory and managerial employees and members within one year of commencement of employment or membership. It should also include the specific responsibilities of supervisory and managerial employees and the methods that such employees should take to ensure immediate and appropriate corrective action in addressing sexual harassment complaints.
Can Massachusetts employers provide sexual harassment training online?
Yes, in fact, the Research Institute of America concluded that eLearning boosts retention rates by 25% to 60%. If you choose to provide sexual harassment prevention training through interactive E-learning, make sure that you are working with a business or institution that specializes in technology and is partnering with subject matter experts who specialize in the law. E-learning is an effective, low-cost way to reach 100% of your workforce.
As workplace and labor laws continue to evolve, it's important to know your state's sexual harassment prevention training guidelines. Delivering training that's accessible and relatable is essential. It ensures a safe and inclusive workplace.