Is my sexual harassment prevention training for Rhode Island compliant?

Rhode Island employers are encouraged to provide sexual harassment prevention training for employees, with additional training for managers. Here's everything you need to know to remain compliant.

Rhode Island employers must adopt a policy that tells employees that contains 6 key parts. First, a statement that sexual harassment in the workplace is unlawful. Secondly, it must include a statement that it is unlawful to retaliate against an employee for filing a complaint of sexual harassment or for cooperating in an investigation of a complaint for sexual harassment. Third, include a description and examples of sexual harassment. Fourth, provide a statement of the range of consequences for employees who are found to have committed sexual harassment. Also ensure you include a description of the process for filing internal complaints about sexual harassment and the work addresses and telephone numbers of the person or persons to whom complaints should be made. The sixth and last part of your policy must include the appropriate state and federal employment discrimination enforcement agencies, and directions as to how to contact these agencies.

Rhode Island General Laws require employers to conduct an education and training program for new employees and members, within one year of starting employment.

What does Rhode Island sexual harassment training need for include?

Employers are encouraged to conduct additional training for new supervisory and managerial employees within one year of commencement of employment which shall include at a minimum the information set forth in subsection (b) of this section, the specific responsibilities of supervisory and managerial employees and the methods that these employees should take to ensure immediate and appropriate corrective action in addressing sexual harassment complaints. Employers and appropriate state agencies are encouraged to cooperate in making this training available.

Can Rhode Island employers provide sexual harassment training online?

Yes, in fact, the Research Institute of America concluded that eLearning boosts retention rates by 25% to 60%. If you choose to provide sexual harassment prevention training through interactive E-learning, make sure that you are working with a business or institution that specializes in technology and is partnering with subject matter experts who specialize in the law. E-learning is an effective, low-cost way to reach 100% of your workforce.

As workplace and labor laws continue to evolve, it's important to know your state's sexual harassment prevention training requirements. Delivering training that's accessible and relatable is essential. It ensures a safe and inclusive workplace.